How is your soul?
How is your soul? If you were to do a self-evaluation of how your soul is, what would you say?

Why does God care who I sleep with?
Why do Christians seem to fixate on sex? Why is the Bible so strongly against sex outside of marriage? Does God really care who I sleep with?

God is still on the throne!
What does it mean that God is still on the throne? How can I continue to trust God when nothing around me seems to make sense?

What I learned through serving as a church elder.
What is it like serving as an elder at a church? How does serving as a shepherd help you to get to know the Shepherd better?

Should a Christian make a New Year’s resolution?
Should a Christian make a New Year’s resolution? If so, what sort of a New Year’s resolution should a Christian make?

Do you want to live a long life?
Do you want to live a long life? What does the Bible say about how to guarantee yourself a long life?

Crash and Turn
Does God use injuries and sickness to teach us? Why does it often take something traumatic to get our attention?

How can I recover from a failed adoption?
How should a Christian respond to a failed adoption attempt? What should a Christian do when plans that appeared to be God's will fall apart?

The Christian and Depression
Shouldn't Christians be able to overcome depression, even clinical depression, through the power of the Holy Spirit?

What can we learn from church softball?
What can we learn from church softball? What church softball has taught me about Christians being in the world, but not of the world.

What is the value of Christian music?
What is the value and importance of Christian music? Should Christians listen to Christian music instead of secular music?

How should a Christian respond to infertility?
How should a Christian respond to infertility? What does the Bible say about being infertile?