Christians in business — shouldn't we be different...in a good way?
I have several times recently run into Christians who try, at all costs, to avoid doing business with other Christians. Whenever I hear a statement like that, I always try to discover the reason why. Here is a sample of statements that make Christian businesses and individuals not want to do business with other Christians:
The Cheapskate — "Oh good, we're both Christians, so I get a big discount, right?"
The Forgive-Me-Lots — "I know you'll forgive me for the payments being late, we are family-in-Christ after all."
The God-Excuser — "I thought I would make this purchase from you, and I know you did a lot of work on it, but it just wasn't God's will."
And here are some commonly reported actions that make Christian businesses and individuals not want to do business with other Christians:
The Rapture — Christians who suddenly disappear, never to be heard from again, once the time comes for the payment to be made.
The Spirit-Filled Know-It-All — Christians who think themselves to be experts in everything (I am filled with the Holy Spirit after all), and therefore refuse your advice, and then blame you for the outcome.
The Fleece-Waiter — Christians who refuse to commit to anything unless God literally writes it in the sky.
Come on people! Sometimes I think the church should bring flagellation back! If we are doing business with a brother or sister-in-Christ, it does not absolve us from telling the truth and fulfilling our commitments. Doing business with a brother or sister-in-Christ should be a joy, not a burden. Christian businesses should be searching for Christian customers, not avoiding them like the plague!
If you are guilty of some of the above statements and actions, I sincerely hope you treat unbelievers differently! If not, "By this deed you have given occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme" (2 Samuel 12:14). Being "not of this world" (John 17:14-15) does not mean being worse than the world. Being a "peculiar people" (1 Peter 2:9) means we are to be different in a good way.
I understand that difficulties, disruptions, and distractions occur. I understand that such things can interrupt planned business. But, when such things become the rule instead of the exception, there is a word for it — sin.
S. Michael Houdmann
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Christians in business — shouldn't we be different...in a good way?