Is GotQuestions.org Reformed?
Is GotQuestions.org Reformed? Is GotQuestions.org Calvinistic? Does GotQuestions.org teach Reformed Theology?
What is your favorite question?
What is your favorite question? Out of the hundreds of thousands of questions GotQuestions.org has been asked, do you have a favorite?
Why does GotQuestions.org word the questions the way it does?
Why does GotQuestions.org word the questions the way it does? Why are GotQuestions.org articles sometimes worded in unusual ways?
What are some of the funniest questions GotQuestions.org has received?
What are some of the funny Bible questions GotQuestions.org has received over the years? What is the funniest question you have ever received?
There are no stupid questions. Really?
Why does GotQuestions.org sometimes answer stupid, silly, and frivolous questions? Is it true that there are no stupid questions?
How is GotQuestions.org funded?
Is GotQuestions.org funded through donations, or advertising, or a combination of both? What does GotQuestions.org do with the money it receives?
How does GotQuestions.org follow-up with those who make professions of faith in Christ?
If people are receiving Jesus Christ as Savior through the Gospel presentation pages on GotQuestions.org, how does GotQuestions follow up with discipleship?
Why does GotQuestions.org allow women to answer questions from men?
Why does GotQuestions.org allow women to answer questions submitted by men? Shouldn't that be considered teaching and therefore in violation of 1 Timothy 2:11-12?
Why does GotQuestions.org sometimes give questionable recommended resources?
Why does GotQuestions.org sometimes gives questionable recommended resources? Why are some of the recommended resources on GotQuestions.org from questionable authors/sources?
Why doesn't GotQuestions.org always provide alternate viewpoints?
Why does GotQuestions.org often only present one interpretation when there are multiple biblically plausible viewpoints on an issue?
Does GotQuestions.org receive a lot of hate mail?
Does GotQuestions.org receive a lot of hate mail? What are some of the most egregious examples of people sending GotQuestions.org hate mail?
Why isn't GotQuestions.org willing to engage in debates?
When we are presented with an opportunity to debate an issue, we almost always respectfully decline. Why? We are GotQuestions.org, not GotDebate.org.
Copy it Right—The cure for Christian plagiarism
Why is plagiarism often a problem among Christians? Is plagiarism a sin? Why is plagiarism such a strong temptation?
Blood, Sweat, and Tears—The First Seventeen Years of GotQuestions.org
What were the first seventeen years of GotQuestions.org like? Did you have any idea what God had in mind when you launched GotQuestions.org?
Is S. Michael Houdmann a false teacher?
Is S. Michael Houdmann a false teacher? Is S. Michael Houdmann a heretic/apostate/false prophet?Special Series: