Is GotQuestions.org Reformed?
The other day, I was listening to a podcast interview and one person stated that GotQuestions.org has been helpful in his journey to faith in Christ. He then proceeded to essentially say that GotQuestions.org has really good answers even though we are Reformed. Many times in our history, people have expressed surprise, or even dismay, when they discover or hear that we are Reformed / Calvinistic.
So, is GotQuestions.org Reformed? It depends on what you mean by Reformed.
Are we Reformed in the sense that we agree with the Protestant Reformation and reject Roman Catholicism? Yes.
Are we Reformed in the sense that we embrace Calvinism? Again, that depends. Do we think Calvinism is closer to the truth than Arminianism? Yes, we do. Do we think Calvinism is a perfect explanation of the relationship between the sovereignty of God and human responsibility? No, we do not. Are we completely in agreement with every point and implication of Calvinism? No, we are not.
Are we Reformed in the sense that we embrace covenant theology and amillennialism? Absolutely not. While we do not view covenant theology or amillennialism as heretical, we have strong and serious disagreements with both systems. As a ministry, we believe dispensationalism and premillennialism are far more biblically sound theological systems.
Is GotQuestions.org Reformed? Yes and no. We receive complaints that we are Reformed. We receive complaints that we are not sufficiently Reformed. We receive complaints that we are Calvinistic. We receive complaints that we are not Calvinistic enough.
For us, the key point is this: It is not the mission of Got Questions Ministries to promote Reformed Theology and/or Calvinism and/or any other theological system. It is the mission of Got Questions Ministries to glorify God and reach people for Christ by providing biblical answers to spiritually related questions. Sometimes that will result in our answers agreeing with Reformed Theology. Sometimes us striving to be biblical will result in us giving answers that are in harmony with Calvinism (or some other theological system). Theological systems can be helpful, but none is perfect. God is incomprehensible, so it comes as no surprise that the human mind cannot create a system by which we will understand everything about Him and His ways.
Be assured that our allegiance is not to a theological system. Rather, we genuinely seek to proclaim the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15).
S. Michael Houdmann
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Is GotQuestions.org Reformed?