Are you ready for your daily propaganda?
Spinning the news is not new. The news media withholding relevant information from the public is not new. Presenting the news in such a way as to push people a certain direction is not new. Proclaiming propaganda disguised as news is not new. None of this is new. I suppose the only thing that is new is how painfully obvious it has become.
Approximately four months from the November elections, the politicians are already spewing forth blatant misrepresentations and outright lies about their opponents, and the news outlets are often the gleefully willing participants. We Americans are getting a taste of what people in other countries have experienced for decades. “Freedom of the press” originally meant that the press will tell us the truth even if the government opposes that truth. Evidently, “freedom of the press” now means that the press is free to warp the news until it will influence their listeners to the outlet’s preferred viewpoint.
I would encourage you to take what you hear/read in the news with a grain of salt, but that would be insulting toward salt. Maybe we should just always assume the news is lying to us, sort of a reverse of “innocent until proven guilty.” In many instances, both the conservative and progressive news outlets are lying to us, and the truth is somewhere in between. Thank goodness we have the internet, that great depository of truth without bias (insert sarcastic and despondent moan here).
Sorry if this post seems overly cynical. I am just tired of being lied to. I simply want to be told the truth. What is even more frustrating than being lied to is the fact that most people do not recognize the propaganda that is masquerading as news. Even worse yet, many people do not care.
May this be a reminder to us all that God is true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4). God's Word is truth (Psalm 119:160; John 17:17). God does not lie (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18). We are all, to a certain extent, brainwashed by the content we expose ourselves to. Remember this — the truth of God's Word is the only “brainwashing” that actually uses soap (Romans 12:2).
S. Michael Houdmann
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Are you ready for your daily propaganda?